It's like being at a party you where anxiety and sad thoughts prevent you from having fun.
I am tired of being tired because of this "depression" I'm living in
by funeral.xo June 25, 2017
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Depression is a mental disorder, that isn't taken seriously. It's like having your head held under clear water. You're drowning, but you can see everyone else breathing. You're dying slowly, while everyone else lives. It's common in teenagers.
by Wxrthless_soul February 20, 2014
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A thing that every white middle schooler has along with calling people gay
7th grader : you're gay I do have depression
Other 7th grader: fuck you I also have depression
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A. medical condition, characterized by feeling sad, hopeless, unwanted, unworthy...
B. part of everyones life.
john suffered from depression after break up with his girlfriend of two years.
by bigT November 11, 2004
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