Dead mans shit is a term used when a huge shit the size of ogres foot is left unclaimed underneath a house but is spoken about for weeks on end meaning the leaving of a big shit brings the spirits to hand on finding the dead mans shit leaving no trace but only to play a game of dip dip dog shit who ficking did it , First usual suspect of who has dealt the shit is the person who points the finger at the other player giving himself up but also giving an advantage to bring in other players whilst bringing the shit to the attention of the other house dwellers being so that the person was accused is not the dead mans shit dealer but being the man Loving the idea of being the accused because the OLDER WOMEN in the game is the prize for which they will win whoever is not found guilty because lets be realistic that is so disgusting that middle aged man can go do a turd underneath a house of a man who will have to pays debts for that shit because there is no getting rid of that stinking dead mans shit
Usual prize winner of Dead mans shit is most probably the Big fat one but the skinny one usually gets what he wants cause he makes a good goona stew for the familiar and usually makes em nice and warm for the baby to sleep in the goona room after the blonde one gor get em jealous for the stinky dot . And true gaaaaawwwwwwd i be seekem be nor cry cause she seekem nother guy from em paast so give Older women more time make baby in big goona guts .
by She can sing man skinny too September 27, 2019
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A term used in New Jersey commonly used to swear upon someone’s dead relatives or friend.
“I put it on your dead mans that I’ll give you money.”
by Thelucky1ne November 10, 2022
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1) When a problem is encured, this phrase is used to tell another person that the originator's needs are simply not possible/available and probably won't be in the near future.

2) To be doomed to misery in the near future

3) A term used to refer to a homosexual that engages in necrophelia.
1) "Dude, you know how you need that kidney? Well, you're looking at being a dead man's lover."

2) "I got drunk last night instead of studying for my Physics final, I'm a dead man's lover."

by R Vollen February 21, 2008
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Jewelry one would get because of the death of a family member
Yo check out my new dead man’s bling I got from my grandpa
by Dmiester3007 March 14, 2018
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Dead Man’s Smegma is a game of pure unfiltered wit and strength

To achieve this game’s true potential, 5 or more participants are ideal and every participant must agree to do absolutely anything the game throws at them

Each participant must put the most cruel dare or task they can think of into a hat, and each participant takes one from the hat

your reward for performing the dare is in turn watching 5+ others perform theirs, each as cruel as the next, each as cruel as your own

you must take responsibility for any consequences that come from Dead Man’s Smegma and must never blame the game itself
Nah bro, last time I played Dead Man’s Smegma I had to eat my own pubes
by Kermit the Fag September 29, 2018
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When someone (friend, stranger, homeless person, whoever) is either unconscious or deceased and you grab their hand, wrap their fingers around your erect penis and manipulate their elbow into moving their arm to jerk you off.
“Yo, my buddy was passed out in basically a diabetic coma, so before I called 911 I used him to give me a dead man’s hand Dutch rudder. I even finished right before the paramedics got there. I told them the jizz on his face was just frosting from all the Cinnabon and sodies he ate. They bought it!”
by The Gaudy Ginger February 10, 2021
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Very good at negotiating, smooth talker, above average persuasive skills. Coined by Candice on Big Brother 15
I don't really wanna by these girl scout cookies, but man, that girl could sell a coffin to a dead man!
by AugustG August 9, 2013
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