What Tevya and his drinking-buddies imbibed humongous quantities of while raucously singing, "To Life!" in "Fiddler On The Roof".
If Tevya and his fellow Orthodox Jews were so restricted and reserved by their "traditions", why were they still free to wildly whoop it up and swig gallons of Hebrewed beverage in the taverns anytime they wanted? Seems kinda like a convoluted double-standard to me.
by QuacksO April 10, 2019
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The formal term in the United Airlines training manual for the removal of unruly, unconscious, or otherwise unwilling paying passengers from flights; typically by dragging them down the aisle by the arms or legs as one would maneuver the beverage cart through the plane.
Sorry, sir, but we have overbooked the flight and you're going to have to spend the night in the terminal. Now get out of your seat or we're going to punch you in the face and give you the Beverage Cart!
by Gomer's Pile July 9, 2017
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The act of getting extremely noticable shakes at many occasions of the day, especially prominent during sexual intercourse.
A gentleman with his hands shaking quite extremely is walking down the street.
"Damn that guy's got a bad case of the Beverage Shakes!"
by Gerald-Dean January 13, 2010
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This friend of mine drunk a sass beverage because I didn’t make it to her party
by Br0 D33 May 21, 2021
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(v.) beveragize

1. to drink alcohol aimlessly through boredom.
2. to relax with the use of alcohol
With her day off, she decided to stay home and beveragize.
by PixarSky June 6, 2020
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when a man is about to cum and the girl pours a hot beverage on his penis
man 1: Dude, she gave me a hot beverage last, she grabbed my coffee off the night stand it was beautiful

man 2: Ah yeah thats hot
by handijacked November 7, 2013
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