anybody who is extremely n00bish when playing absolutely any video game, especially call of duty world at war or halo 3.
That kid jacking my kills is being a total BL bitch.
by colkris89 January 19, 2009
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Bruce Lilley - like a drug.
too much of this and you'll lose it!
by Rob :) August 31, 2003
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when the guy ejaculates into the girl's mouth, she tells him to close his eyes, puts the contents from her mouth into her hand and tells him to open his eyes and throws the contents in his face.. and the girl hits his genitals and flees
Johnny got bl@ck widowed by and last night and had a taste of his own.
by elle b March 4, 2008
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A BL story addict is a person who is so addicted to BL stories that they have no life without them. You can often find them awake at 2am reading that gay shit instead of sleeping like they should be.
Person 1: Oh my god did you hear about Allison?
Person 2: What, no. What’s wrong?
Person 1: She has no life. She’s what my friends call, a BL Story Addict.
by Ur Fucking Friend February 23, 2021
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Just like V-E Day or V-J Day, V-BL day is May 2nd, 2011; the day the United States of America found and killed Osama bin Laden and ended his reign of Hide and Seek Champion of the World.
Hypedude: WHOOOOOO!!

Dude: Yo, bro, why so hype?

Hypedude: V-BL DAY DUDE!!!!!!1!!
by cee-em-kay May 2, 2011
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