One of the few kinds of education that actually supports withholding knowledge. Abstinence only education is a form of Sex Ed where people are only informed about the single fact that abstinence is the only completely effective form of birth control.
Abstinence only education is like taking driver's ed and having them tell you not to drive.
by Patrick Tescher June 7, 2006
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A life-calling for a precious few, incredibly optimistic individuals who think that it's actually possible to bridle the massive force of copulation using reason, logic, gods wrath, consequence or any other easy to ignore methodology.
I'm a certified abstinence instructor; das right! I don't care how worked up their loins be ge'in, a few pictures of god's herpes curse will shrink that hard-on faster than a busted cherry on prom-nite.
by YAWA August 19, 2017
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Tradition/challenge involving not masturbating for the entire month of April. Typically a punishment for those who failed No Nut November.
Edgy Boi: Yo, did you beat NNN?
Edgy Boi 2: No. I guess I'll be doing Always Abstinence April.
by Radical Conservative December 28, 2018
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A condition, typically considered a severe form of long-term virginity, affecting 0.8% of U.S. males approximately 25 years of age or older. Symptoms usually include a combination of the following: the inability to interact with females, shame, depression, loneliness, shyness, and large abundances of pornography (usually very graphic and strange). Clinical research and testing are currently inconclusive as to why males suffer from LTMSA, however it is theorized that an extreme psychological episode from a males’ childhood may be the cause. Previously LTMSA was a relatively unknown condition in mainstream psychohistory until the film “The 40 Year Old Virgin” premiered that brought this condition to the forefront of mainstream research.

LTMSA is credited being first diagnosed in 1955 by Dr. Steven J. Bishop of Georgetown University.
Long-Term Male Sexual Abstinence (LTMSA) usually results in one of two outcomes:
1. Lonely night alone and a bad hand cramp in the morning or
2. Your friends sending out a "Code Orange" alert when there is a possibility for the male in question to lose their virginity.
by Super Steve Bishop January 18, 2008
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