Pronunciation: 'pOn

The word that resulted from a typo of OWN. Notice the P is next to the O. Pronounced "p-own." It is not pronounced pween, poon, or pawn. Those are all created by noobs who couldn't figure out what the word was and made up their own pronunciation for it.

Origin is similar to that of teh.
dude u just got pwned.

wtf? you mean, owned? nice typo faggot. noob its new word. even worse than owned.
by IEATLIVEPUPPIES April 22, 2005
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Quite obviously a typo for own. If you have a qwerty keyboard then you will notice that the p and the o are next to each other. Our ancestor (1 generation ago) used the word own quite commonly but over time people got the impression that the typo pwn was actually a word. If you think about it the words own and pwn can be used in the same contex.
God damn i own
God damn i pwn
by Shale September 9, 2005
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1. Used by those of Japanese decent as a battle cry (mainly but not limited to online games).
2. Simply a way of stating that Japan(Nippon) rules.
3. Sometimes used as a random ass interjection in the middle of someone else's sentence, or when ever the user damn well preases.
4. can also be used to refer to the never ending stream of "ror's omfb's rofr's and 'pwn pwn pwn's'" that an asian might unleash when they feel the need to spam, thus it is called 'nippon pwn pwn'

history: created when someone started shouting "Nippon banzai!" and another shouted "PWN PWN PWN!"
Mikey:omfb Eric-san did you see that i was rike BOOM HEAD SHOT!
Eric:Nippon pwn pwn!
MIkey:Nippon pwn pwn!
by rorTATror October 14, 2008
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A word only virgins who live with their mothers say. Commonly used as "fightin words" between total losers. If you ever say it seriously... kill yourself because you have no reason to live.
I'm a virgin and I pwned some noobs today in my mom's basement.

I pwn noobs because I have never been with a woman.
by Signed, Everyone March 14, 2006
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a tern used by people who play internet games like halo.
They type so fast that they write "pwn" instead of "own", yet they still have time to write "i pwned u!!!1111one!!11
which franky looks shite.
PWN is gay learn how to type properly you fucktards.
by mcfly r shit December 26, 2006
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A typo-deliberate version of own, a slang term that means to dominate. This could also be spelled "0\/\/n3d" or "pwn3d," among other variations.
I pwn you at Quake 3.
by PsYko February 18, 2005
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1. To completely and utterly own or burn someone.
2. To disestablish someone's arguement with a witty comeback on a forum.
3. To kill in a game; to be better at.

Originally a typo of the word own.

Pronunciation: Pown
1. "Hoshiz, did you see how they pwned that jerk?"
2. "Dude, you type like a crack monkey and your generalizations are false; not to mention you suck ass."
3. "Dude, I so pwned you."
by Tsukijuun August 6, 2005
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