Not being able to move around correctly, like a computer mouse on a twisted mousepad.
"Jerry was walking down the hallway like it was a twisted mousepad!"
by Sharkgirl945 March 17, 2023
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Unofficial term for that special moment in yaoi fanfiction when the uke is magically able to take everything the seme gives 'em, no lube required. Inspired by the movie Brokeback Mountain.
"Hey did you read that hot new Gerita fanfiction that came out?"
"Yeah dude! Italy totally was pulling a jack twist in that one!"
by MotherPrussia September 20, 2013
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N. Water with grenadine and lime, ordered to get a somewhat delicious drink for free because you order it as "Water... with lime and grenadine"
He got a Twisted Ginger by mistake but kept ordering them because he liked the sweet taste and cheap price.
by ChadrockSexington April 9, 2010
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Having to do with cokoine. Or a reference to it. Possibly beimg derived from hell satan or his demons. Refer to Danzigs song by the same name.
Got me a twist of kaine, n its got me feelin like im on speed!
by TheSandman45 July 16, 2022
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1. When you finally beat a boss you've been struggling on, only to see that it has a second, even more difficult phase.

2. When a game, such as a platformer, is advertised as one genre only for it to be a different genre entirely in the actual game.
1. "Oh shit, this is a Developer's Twist kind of boss, isn't it?"

2. "The person who made this RPG pulled a Developer's Twist! I thought is was gonna be cute from the ads, but it's terrifying!"
by reagantorrey69 September 28, 2021
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The awkward shuffle that results from when a friend notices your shirt or hoodie is on backwards, forcing you to twist it to the correct position while your friend watches you mockingly.
After my girlfriend noticed my sweater was on backwards, I had to do the twist of shame while she laughed.
by Lulu W. December 20, 2012
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