The inexplicable effect that the first coffee and cigarette of the day can have on one’s bowels.
I struggle to get my day started without first greasing the runway.
by Long Drop May 4, 2022
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Said by the man who shows up to collect money from you.
Bill; I had to pay Carmen today. He stopped by to pick up his money.

Steve; Did he say "grease me" when you opened the door?

Bill; He always says that when I gotta pay him.
by gamisiking July 10, 2016
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the caressing of the buttocks, often using a warming jell for proper smackin' during what is known as foreplay.
Brotha, she backed that thang up on me and I was greasing the pan till she begged me to hit it... then I quit it.
by katzenjammer December 15, 2007
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The act of completing or consuming something extremely fast.
"Damn, we're gonna be late for class. Let me grease these yogurts real quick."
"I just greased the fuck out of that midterm. Shit was easy af."
by LSGOE April 1, 2019
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When someone’s belongings are stolen or when someone is robbed. To be greasy is means you’re someone who steals things and you’re untrustworthy. The term is used mostly in Canada and originated in Winnipeg, MB where the robbery rate is 5x higher than the national average.
Bro: Yo bro I got greased for my smokes last night at the party.
Me: Bet it was that Northside chick shes known to be hella greasy.
by PegCity2VanCity November 1, 2020
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When you smash or hit a bih.
Getting some 🐱.
Mann i greased that peez last night.
I greased her in the bathroom.
by Yae🖤 March 30, 2022
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When you are in a situation that is unfortunate, hard to get out of, or a situation when you are taken advantage of. Exactly the same as getting screwed, shafted, or fucked over. This term is more popular in Canada than the United States.

Related to: Greasy, Greasing, Grease
Person 1: "Hey man I just talked to that guy from the car dealership, and he said I can't have my deposit back"

Person 2: "Yeah man, sounds like he Greased you"
by BillyDaYak August 5, 2018
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