A person who functions on a lesser level of mentality than most bean sprouts. These people are characterized by their innane questions and poor use of grammar and sentence structure. Also, when confronted with situations they cannot comprehend (example: A sum of money IS required in exchange for the temporary use of a rental vehicle), they will become enraged and counter with random, irrational screaming. These people are typically met over the telephone, and are best deterred by such methods as hanging up, or, making farting noises into the receiver until the said person becomes so frustrated by the lack of attention to their ranting that they hang up.
"I was speaking to a rental car customer, and they were upset that the location would not accept their check cashin' cawd...Oh dammit I hate these people! Shoot me!!"
by Angry Man October 26, 2003
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Something or someone needing or getting a very severe beating.
The next time l catch you punks hanging around my girls, l will beat you like a red headed stepchild's rental mule!!!
by I, Wreckerrr January 31, 2016
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When you get in the wrong rental car, drive it away, and keep it for a week, resulting in the rental company reporting the car stolen.
Did you get an upgrade, or is this a Meg rental?
by Tweedle Dee September 18, 2012
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when u gotta rent that shit but u also stalling on renting that shit.
person 1: Yo I heard you are looking for a new place to rent.

person 2: YAS! but I'm rentalling though...

person 1: Cowabummer bro...
by girlboss69420 June 21, 2022
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When you are broke as shit and can't afford new tires so you say fuck your pride and beg.
Would anyone mind giving me a tire rental for the mud runs this weekend? My trucks pavement pounders won't cut it.
by Ezmuthafuckin-e August 23, 2017
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A Non-Regular skier or snowboarder, who does not own their own equipment and has to rent theirs resulting in inexperience and utter chaos on the slopes for themselves and everyone around them. (comparable to a gerry)
lol, that rental just tried to gap the biggest spine out here and got completely pitted, send him back to the bunny slope to practice pizza/frenchfry .
by Puppymonkeybaby12 March 14, 2018
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Tom: You want to go to the movies??
John: Hold on let me check with the rentals.
by Brett E. Smith September 4, 2006
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