My Dad used to get us to behave by a threat of being hit by the rooney gun. It was something that he mad up as a silly, but stinky, weapon. A Rooney Gun is an athletic sock filled with dung, poop, scat - but it had a hole in the toe.
"If you kids don't stop running around like indians, I'm going to hit you with the rooney gun!"

Boom, like magic we stopped running like indians because we really thought that he had one hidden somewhere.
by ChrysR November 9, 2006
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A person who displays disdain for all things and people around him/herself in an underhanded manner.
Eg - that Cunt-a-Rooney decided not to hand out candy to fat kids claiming she just wanted to help.
by Thealienanthropologist November 2, 2013
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When you bring in a qualified balding or greying white male to interview for a job you know you have to fill with a woman or a minority, in order to ensure the whole day is taken up by interviews.
Steve has an interview on Friday but he knows he has no shot at getting the job. They're bringing him in to fulfill the Reverse Rooney Rule so their calendars appear full.
by joestealthmode October 4, 2016
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The British hype-culture of British sportsmen and athletes, who are not world class in their game, but are hyped by the British media and people of the UK who make out they are Gods and unstoppable in their sports.
Joe says: "Andy Murray is so good, he's British number one and will definately win Wimbledon against Nadal and Federer this year."

Steve replies: "Stop with your Rooneyism, Murray isn't even that good!"
by kinggg July 7, 2009
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Fucking hell it's a rooney! I don't care if it's going to earn us some cash, send it back!
by ChippyChipps February 4, 2021
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You use ist instead of:" no matter or forget it."
If some one says:" Oh, sorry that i broke your heart."
The you have to say " Wayne Rooney!"
by 69Lu96 August 20, 2021
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Move back into the direction you once where moving just moments before you moved into the direction you now currently are moving.
You're driving a car and you've made a mistake . You turn the car back to the point in the right or opposite direction, that is a flip a Rooney...
by catsqueezetoyrobertson December 22, 2016
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