Noun; the guy who always tries to read the passage with all the words that your teacher thinks you dont know, and then fails miserably.
Johnny: "The inttimmaetam, wait... intimadendate..."

Teacher: "That's Intimatent Johnny."

Classmate: "Wow. That pretentious illiterate made the whole class look like dumb shits."
by The Ging May 10, 2010
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a way of describing some one who hates tech, and tech hates that person. these people usually end up breaking something or failing completely.
dude, you're technology illiterate
by i like you. weeee December 6, 2010
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When someone is told to get a specific item at the store and they come back with something totally wrong/different/random.

Or, when one cannot find a very simple and/or easily displayed item at the grocery store.
I asked Brian to get green chiles for my taco salad and the fool came back with hormel chili in a can, he is so grocery store illiterate.

"Excuse me, where are the candy bars?" -brian

"In the checkout line, where they always are. Are you grocery store illiterate or something?" -store employee
by Caityj August 27, 2013
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People who have no idea what their doing or why, but think its helping something.
by Satan. July 13, 2003
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Definition: People who suffer from bad breath illiteration, are no longer intelligible to their interlocutors, since their bad breath is so intoxicating that the people with whom they are conversing lose their natural capacity to understand language.
"My dear old friend Coilliepik said that the above-mentioned definition was an overly long sentence, but due to him suffering from bad breath illiteration, I could not make anything of what he was saying and thought I was going to faint."
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