(1)noun- slab cut from the less than desirable part of the hind-quarters of the wooly ruminent quadropeds commonly known as the domestic sheep or lamb (Ovis Aries). commonly used in canine nutrition(2)noun- 1/3 of the world renowned tri-pod of the Northeastern United States. (LEC) v.lamb-flanked, adv.flankly, adj.flankalicious
(1)Give the lamb flank directly to the dog.
(2)Matt, Greg and Lamb Flanks are frequent patrons of the Goodtimes Cafe.
(3)You got lamb-flanked! That sucks to be you!
(4)Yo! The chics at Goodtimes are flankalicious!
by Tugboat Howard March 11, 2007
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Quail flanks is the lard that hangs off the back of the arms of fat chicks.
Damm .... That fat bitch has quail flanks hanging off her arms. You could swing on that shit.
by T Doggie January 14, 2009
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A1: who's Flank Floppa?
A2: I will show you my child
by Spaceman250 May 4, 2021
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the process of cupping your hand and rubbing up and down on your penis i.e. masturbation
"sometimes, flanking the steak is best while eating that narly tunafish."
by sir sploogalot June 7, 2007
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A term originating from Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 where one attempts to flank, get to an opposite side or objective using stealth, then proceed to shank the victim(s), prison term for knifing.
Loser 1: Dude I had the best game ever, I flank and shank the entire team.
Loser 2: Wow thats straight out of shawshank man.
by Daniel Yaa5 March 9, 2010
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fat covering the area of the lower back below the rib-cage and down to the iliac crest.
Even though I eat right and exercise, I can't seem to lose this flank fat.
by pcb006 January 26, 2017
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