Calm Of Chaos

A Band from Kent, Ohio formed in 2009. Brought together by Vocalist/Lyricist/Mixer James Christian and Lead Guitar/Pianist/Vocalist Kayla Turk. Calm Of Chaos's early demos were recorded in Kayla's home studio and mastered by James Christian. These demos were later praised by over thousands of fans on myspace. Soon after Doug Callahan joined the band as Bass, Devin Mays as Rythm Guitar, and Dom Iacoboni as Drums. They are currently working on their first LP which a song known as Memories of Broken Pain has been pre-studio recorded and sampled on their myspace to hear the change in vocals. Just google "Calm Of Chaos" and click the 2nd link to hear.

Calm Of Chaos is a multi-genre band which includes genres: Mathcore, Metalcore, Progressive Rock, Acoustic Rock and Classical (Such as Piano, Violins, and Horns.) Two of Calm Of Chaos' major influences are Avenged Sevenfold and Lamb Of God.

Singer James Christian has been told by few to improve on his singing which was too flat in their early recordings. Now after 5 months of vocal training, James is now ready to show everyone what he has learned and improved on. Many say the pre-studio recordings are "very efficient and sounds a hell of a lot more better" then the early demos.

Calm Of Chaos is now writing and preparing new tracks for their upcoming LP recording this fall at Conquistador Recording Studio in Lakewood, Ohio. Calm Of Chaos is also looking at many label opportunities through the studio which include,

Century Media Records
Metal Blade Records
Black Market Activities
Columbia Records
Rust Records
Rotten Records
Innerstrength Records
Candlelight Records
Interscope Records
City of Kings

Calm Of Chaos is going to make their first album half screaming half singing then the next album will be a pure singing metal album. Their is a lot to look forward to in this band for they are going to change modern metal for the better. Previous posts on this site were made by a strung out loser guitarist from the band "Torment Of Sin" whom suffers of jealousy because of Doug (Ex-Bass Torment Of Sin) joining Calm Of Chaos.
I heard Calm Of Chaos is making a new album in August, I can't wait
by JarrodSucks2012 May 28, 2009
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He doesn't have ant calm and sense.
by Ciaagent26 March 25, 2016
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Vb; to lace industrial cattle feed with quaaludes
"Why are you throwing handfuls of pills into the feeding trough?"
"Bro, we just gotta calm the farm."
by Ridley Amstrad October 9, 2016
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A simple phrase which means to relax and think clearly about ones current situation instead of reacting emotionally.
Also the most feared phrase among all women. They seem to believe when a man is telling them to "calm down", the man is asking for them to obey their every whim. When in truth, women simply seem to over think what's troubling them to the point of insanity. And in actuality, when a man says calm down to a women, it just means, "Hey, you seem a bit upset about nothing, can we just act civilized please? If not we can just go our separate ways, up to you."
Women : Trump is fucking disgusting, and Hillary is amazing.
Man : I mean I'm not a fan of Trump either, but Hillary is just as scummy as him, I mean, look at all the secrets she keeps, and all the shady stuff she does behind the peoples backs.
Man : Please, may you calm down?
by theanonymousman2 December 19, 2017
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What Park must always do.
Park: "Hey guys."
Duker: "Dude! Calmn down!"
by Wasser Tizfiddle March 15, 2005
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This is something that happens in supermarkets; a two-seater with a trolley is wandering slowly and aimlessly down the aisles with a queue of other customers behind them. They seem apathetic and prepared to tolerate the slow progress, none of them apparently capable of saying “Excuse me” or “Can I just get by” or even “Get out of the way you fat, useless lump of shit!”
See also red rover, Traffic Jam, Road Block.
I went to the supermarket to pick up some food but didn’t bother, the place was full of traffic calming measures.
by AKACroatalin August 13, 2016
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