An idiot who is very confident in their own idea, even though most know it is a stupid idea. One who is confident beyond doubt with their incorrect thought. Somebody who is very stupid but thinks they are smart and confident about it.
Allen, an "arrogant idiot", confidently proposed to merge data from a relational data system with an olap system in a BOBJ universe. {a technology mismatch and an impossible merge, but the arrogance wins over the facts}
Bruce, an "arrogant idiot", builds a super BEx query believing that it will be processed on a fast data system when it actually processes on a slow application system. {the arrogance prevails over expert knowledge and text book information}
by Kalkin1972 March 9, 2014
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an experienced loser who protects themselves in difficult situations by being arrogant and proud.
"Mike thinks we don't talk to him cause' he's intimidating. It's actually because he's a loser that we avoid him. What an arrogant loser!"
by happyslut March 7, 2019
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A submarine captain who torpedoed himself
You arrogant ass, you've killed us!
by QWERTY mnbvcxz July 31, 2021
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If you have been offended by a woman, the reason probably are she's arrogant or has a bad attitude.
Arrogant Woman

"Why is that woman is so arrogant?"

"Because she's British"
by Arrogant Woman and attitude September 15, 2009
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the most arrogant bastard ever is Pete Wentz, what a tosspot
and he is the bassist for a very shite band
fall out boy
just go die
look at that arrogant bastard, he's sitting on the head stock of his bass
by Hickseyd January 12, 2007
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The arrogance caused (typically in females) by having more than 1000 friends. People with Facebook Arrogance typically treat all people whos friend requests THEY accepted as 'creepers' for liking/commenting on their statuses EVER.
Girl 1 adds Guy 1

Guy 1 messages Girl 1 "Hey"

Girl 1 posts a status about him being a creeper and blocks him because she has facebook arrogance.
by Deagonx January 16, 2012
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the attitude of any group of people or peoples that believe earthquakes in their region are far more stronger and intense than those in other regions of the world
A seismically arrogant Californian created the following: Text "Sorry you spilled your chai latte" to 90999 to donate $1 to the victims of the 2011 U.S. East Coast earthquake..."Seismic Arrogance"
by rchgrca August 24, 2011
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