A serious eating disorder that people (mostly girls but it can happen to guys too) get because they feel that they are too "fat" when usually they're at a healthy, normal weight but are influenced too much by the media's warped idea of what's attractive... (pencil thin, decrepit looking bodies.) The person with this disorder starves themselves, refusing to eat anything at all or only eating small amounts of "safe" low calorie foods. It is extremely harmful to their body and can result in death by starvation if not rectified.
-"Hereford High School 2009 graduate CAITLIN CLARKE suffered from anorexia nervosa in her senior year. She was way too skinny and looked unhealthy and malnoursished. She had to be taken to the hospital and treated so she wouldn't die."
by aSmartGuy08 May 24, 2010
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1) Eating disorder, predominantly found in America, wherein an invidiual (usually female) whines about how fat they are and refuses to eat. Meanwhile, people down the block dig in the trash for three day old half-eaten food.
2) French black metal band.
1) "Somehow I can't feel sorry for an anorexic, you know? Rich cunt, don't wanna eat? Fuck her." -George Carlin

2) Did you hear the new Anorexia Nervosa CD?
by Superegomaniac May 10, 2006
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when a person feels not good enough and tends to avoid eating or not eat at all. it may come with low self-esteem. its hard to help, and the person can only save themselves.
daisy doesn't eat very much; she's afraid of getting fat. i think she has anorexia nervosa.
by kasiekrayohla April 29, 2007
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When a really fat girl tries to smush her fat self into clothing that she has no business wearing. Can be seen wearing halter tops, hot pants, bikinis, belly shirts, low-rise jeans, generally wears clothing that should only be worn by thin girls. Thinks she looks great in it!
Oh my god, look at the one in the tube top and the hot pants over there...she must have REVERSE ANOREXIA! She must weigh 150 pounds, doesn't she realize how fat she is?
by Barbiegirl007 January 5, 2006
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the urge to eat everything in sight, the opposite of anorexia, an addiction to food, a non-stop indulgence
Oh my god, Sarah Jane is so oppo-anorexia, i saw her eat 3 PB&J's, 2 hotdogs, 2 hamburgers and an entire bag of Fritos.
by McHuey December 16, 2009
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“And then i’m gonna have that-that muh-muscle anorexia-Brad Castleberry
by KonichiwaCat March 2, 2020
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A psycological illness, related to Nudism, where a human does not see themselves as looking good in clothes to the point of not wearing clothes anymore.
Bob: "Hey did you see that guy running naked down the street?"

Jim: "Yeah, He has Fasion Anorexia."
by Corey Esquire Leonardo Smith I December 21, 2008
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