A fascist bitch demagogue and troublemaker whose violent hatred and bigotry gives Christianity a bad name just like the Middle Eastern terrorists give Islam a bad name. She became a millionaire by peddling screeds of hatred against religious and ethnic minorities, Islam, gays, and of course, "liberals" (that is, people who don't agree with her sick, twisted satanic philosophy). If you read excerts from her books you can see that she is a violent, extremely hateful psychotic. If you've had history class in college you can see she is similar to Hitler, Mussolini,Tojo, and also Slobodan Milosevic - the son-of-a-bitch. She advocates violence against her targets of hatred. She is dangerous. She often has a wild hateful look in her eyes. She needs to be admitted in an asylum and sedated. She is crazy.
Bill: Look at Tony! He's reading that Ann Coulter book again.

George: Tony can't think for himself. He follows any guru who claims to be a Christian. Ain't nothing Christian about Ann Coulter. She's just a plain bitch.
by I Saw U2 Live Twice August 27, 2006
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Winner, ten years in a row, of the largest adam's apple contest.
That Ann Coulter is better hung than a horse, and uglier.
by Sam is a Dick October 25, 2006
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A euphemism used by conservatives to define a wet dream
Rex: I had an Anne Coulter last night and it was excellent
Spud: Excellent!
Rex: You can say that again
Spud: Excellent!
by davefromspain January 27, 2008
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A fascist bitch demagogue and troublemaker whose violent hatred and bigotry gives Christianity a bad name just like the Middle Eastern terrorists give Islam a bad name. She became a millionaire by peddling screeds of hatred against religious and ethnic minorities, Islam, gays, and of course , "liberals" (that is, people who don't agree with her sick, twisted satanic philosophy). If you read excerts from her books you can see that she is a violent, extremely hateful psychotic. If you've had history class in college you can see she is similar to Hitler, Mussolini, Tojo, and also Slobodan Milosevic - the son-of-a-bitch. She advocates violence against her targets of hatred. She is dangerous. She often has a wild hateful look in her eyes. She needs to be admitted in an asylum and sedated. She is crazy.

Bill: Look at Tony! He's reading that Ann Coulter book again.

George: Tony can't think for himself. He follows any guru who claims to be a Christian. Ain't nothing Christian about Ann Coulter. She's just a plain bitch.

by I Saw U2 Live Twice July 23, 2006
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From Middle English: Annye (being warm and smooth) Coullentre (having vile or rank-smelling appendages).

A mythical hosebeast from ancient Saxon folklore, the "Ann Coulter" was said to be the offspring of Satan and a Viking queen named Hildastank II. She would appear unsolicited in the homes of poor families around the English countryside, raiding the fridge and offering no "thank-you" in return. The Ann Coulter was believed to carry a fannypack containing any number of Coldplay albums, Miley Cyrus DVDs, and other dirty bombs. She was known as "The Ruiner," for her proclivity to lay waste to entire civilizations, whilst leaving an "upper-decker" in the second story lav.
QUESTION: Dude, what the fuck? You're mom is lying dead on the kitchen floor, there's a pregnant cow in the living room, and you have a bottle of Barton's vodka shoved up your asshole base first. What the fuck happened here?

ANSWER: Ann Coulter brah, Ann Coulter.
by Rudyard McDallis November 25, 2010
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the most beautiful woman that I want to punch in the throat
i want to punch ann coulter in the throat
by ggd1082 January 2, 2010
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What Tards write when they are reffering to Ann Coulter
'Anne coulter is such a dick'
'Ummm its ANN, you're the dick,dick'
'For the last time, MY NAME IS RICHARD'
by kimmy booth June 11, 2005
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