Something you call someone when you don't have an actual comeback to an arguement. Typically used by politcal hacks like Kelly Loeffler
"Do you have a rebuttal"

"Well you just heard Radical Liberal Raphael Warnock-"
by Tonyfromdablok December 10, 2020
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The act of inserting contraband into your rectum for the purpose of smuggling.
"Those security guards look intense, I'm gonna have to radical jack this beer if I want to bring it in."
by Cunningnimbus February 21, 2016
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A muslim that likes to ski and/or skateboard.
Jalal is such a radical muslim, he was tearing it up at the skatepark last night
by Abu Macaroni February 5, 2022
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Typically means a person who believes in far left politics.
Wow, I can't believe that the Left hasn't done anything to actually support black people even though people donate to them for that cause. The Radical Left is on it again!
by Harowlt September 6, 2020
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A 'current' in feminism that views gender relations and sexism as the direct result of a system of patriarchy and an androcentric (male-centered) society. Radical feminists go beyond critiques of legal systems, and critique the entire culture of gender and sex.

Radical feminism aims to challenge and to overthrow patriarchy by opposing standard gender roles and androcentrism, and calls for a radical reordering of society. These suggestions often include the abolition of gender roles, the support of GLBTQ rights and liberation, the restructuring of the family, and economic changes to end any gendered privileges.

Radical feminism has been around for a long time, but really began to developed into its current form during the Second Wave of feminism, and further evolved with the Third Wave, in which feminists began to explore the way sexism affects and is affected by other forms of antagonism and oppression, such as class and race.
Dude, I totally learned about the system of androcentric domination and oppression after taking a class on radical feminism. I feel both a sense of liberation and a responsibility to, like, aid the liberation of others.
by CrawdaddyJoe November 14, 2010
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Radical Femenists That do Slam Poetry. Those have said that listening to a Radical Feminazi Slam Poem is equivalent to listening to an Adolf Hitler speech.
Guy 1: Yo dude, have you ever listened to a Hitler speech?
Guy 2: Nigga Hitlers dead. But I sure have listened to a Radical Feminazi Speech
Guy 1: Oh shit, so you have?
by Alfonzo July 4, 2016
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