a person who suffers from macho-ness
by KGeN_20o1 April 2, 2003
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When one shaves their pubic area half assed such as just cropping the top of the vagina and letting the rest of the forest grow wild.
Tom cruise likes girls with mutton chops.

by The duzde August 2, 2008
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The term 'mutton dressed as lamb' was first used in the journal of social gossip that Mrs Frances Calvert compiled in 1811, and is possibly attributed to the then Prince of Wales (later George IV). At a musical evening, the Prince was asked whether he did not think some girl pretty. He reputedly answered, “Girl! Girls are not to my taste. I don't like lamb; but mutton dressed like lamb!”

In this case, ‘dressing’ refers to the preparation of food before cooking. The implication in 'dressed as lamb' is that the woman has prepared herself for a romantic encounter. 'Mutton dressed as lamb' was originally a disparaging description of a woman aiming to deceive men into believing she was younger than she really was; back then it was an economic necessity for a woman to marry while still of childbearing age.

Nowadays it refers exclusively to a woman who is deluded and thinks herself attractive in clothes, jewellery and make-up usually worn by those much younger. She’s probably looked in the mirror and thinks herself sex on legs, but she merely proves that eyesight deteriorates with age.
“Look at that stupid old slapper dressed exactly like her daughter! What a sad act!”
“Yeah! Mutton dressed as lamb is about as sexy as a kick in the nuts.”
by AKACroatalin August 20, 2016
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a mature female recidivist of major cosmetic surgery
from a distance she could be a young sister but up close she's a ghoulish granny, a classic mutton carved as lamb.
by Ned Stoat December 1, 2013
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When an overweight man or woman deliberately refrains from wiping their ass, and sits on the face of a consenting or non-consenting individual, giving said individual the appearance of having long, shitty mutton-chop sideburns
Guy 1 (Submissive): Make sure you perch right, lest the middle of my face get covered in shit
Guy 2 (Dominant): Don't worry. I've done Mississippi Mutton Chops before
by redexplosion November 6, 2008
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a bit like the vicky mendoza line .... but instead of the ratio being between crazy and hot the parameters are between old and attractive (once all the makeup has been removed with some power tools).
dan : wow check out that cougar
twig: she's no cougar ... the mutton lamb ratio is all wrong.
dan: you mean she's mutton dressed as lamb?
twig: no, i mean she's mutton dressed as corpse
by gwbert November 16, 2014
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Middle aged women dressing/acting/pretending like they're much younger than they actually are.

Often abbreviated to "mutton".
"So how was last night?"
"Terrible, the place full of mutton."
"Mutton dressed as lamb."
by Dave November 7, 2004
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