A shitty fucking discord server that's ran by an egyptian nigger and a mexican as its co-host, because there's no way that nigger could withstand those ooga fuckin boogas alone, amirite?
James : "Hey do you know that discord server called Scorpo Slav Union?"

Matthias : "What, I've never heard of such a place, what's in it?"

James : "Niggers who thinks they're Celtic and American Slavaboos"

Matthias : "Well, nevermind asking!"

Hitler's cocksucker 1 : "Hey #reich-posting is back I wonder where did its founder go"

Hitler's cocksucker 2 : "Yeah it's got revived, and who you are referring to? Eth? "

Hitler's cocksucker 1 : "Yeah, him where did he go"

Hilter's cocksucker 2 : "He's gone, at least he's on a better place right now"

Hitler's cocksucker 1 : "Ah yes, may Hitler and Himmler bless his very pure soul, ameen"

Hitler's cocksucker 2 : "Ameen to that!"
by Durkheimus / Mr.Eth May 20, 2020
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National Slav Day is a day on the January the 7th which Russian people or Slavs are praised and we are kind to.
Hey Mikail, Its National Slav Day, You know what that means. I must now be kind to you and do whatever you want.
by russiangamer69 December 20, 2020
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absolute spastic who cannot function in normal society, scum
by Packie McReary July 9, 2018
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Saying something really sexual, usually relating to beastiality or a homoerotic comment. Can also mean proposing to have sex with someone randomly.
Frank: That's an awesome cat
John: Mmm yeah that's a nice ass. I wanna stick my cock in it so bad
Frank (later): So I was showing them my cat, then out of nowhere John started pulling a slav.
by hugh g reaction June 25, 2021
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Grandpa (slav man) is just a guy named Job that has his own claims in the Strider PF Discord server. He sometimes acts like one but mostly gets out of the server roleplay to talk about anything.
Grandpa (slav man) is just an average Strider Enjoyer.
by jobtheword February 10, 2022
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X: Lmao look at this video of drunk slavs fighting.

Y: That’s not funny man, millions of people died in the Yugoslav wars…
by muzzy101 October 17, 2022
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