unmarked police car

shifty = one who is sneaky
fifty = the fucking 5-0
I was doing 70 in a 35 last week, and the shifty fifty got me on radar.

by Ricky Roma January 2, 2004
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When a persons nipples, male or female, are uneven at an extreme angle. Usually with one being high an another low. Can be a fetish for some people, and is seen generally as a turn-on. Also known as Shifty Nips, or Aguilera Nipples.
Kyle: Hey that chick is kinda hott.

Destiny: Yeah I bet she has some shifty nipples like my boyfriend.

Kyle: Oh heck yeah, I'm about to holla at that! I'm all about those shifty nips!

Destiny: ME TOO!!!!!
by kdc13579 July 20, 2011
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The hot pec dude from the rap/rock group Crazy Town. His body rivals that of the studly Hayato Kanzaki, except Shifty has two (2) nipple rings, some other piercings (I forgot where...) and a bunch of tattoos all over his torso.
Both Shawn and I want to marry Shifty Shellshock....she gets him Monday, Wednesday, and Friday, while I have him Tuesday, Thursday, and Saturday. Sunday we will decide who gets him by either flipping a coin (winner= 2 out of 3)or playing a match of Worms Armageddon (winner = 2 rounds)
by RatchetBoo June 15, 2003
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When you do something behind everyone's back without anyone finding out.
Person One : "Did I ever tell you that I slept with that swamp-donkey six months ago after their house party?"

Person Two : "NO YOU DID NOT! I cannot believe that you could pull a shifty like that with me, I thought we were best friends."
by Ali JTB October 11, 2005
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When you give your girl used dick.

ex. Am and Vanessa's charity
You just gotta get thrifty and shifty.
by GrilledCheez💦 March 30, 2019
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To slip a finger into the anus of an unsuspecting sexual partner.
"dude i'm gonna take this slut home and go the shifty donut on her.. might try for 3 fingers"

Jeffery was going hammer and tongs on his missus when he slyly tried the Shifty Donut.
by UTBNB_123 July 8, 2009
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kind of creepy look that slightly turns you on.
Natalie definitely got shifty eyes from the hottie at the bar last night.

John and Alison were giving each other shifty eyes during lab.
by sandymaple September 6, 2010
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