An underage male who got deported to UAE from Lebanon due to miscarriage. Also a terrible potential server owner on discord.
Eg :

Dan : Is your server owned by ramo ?
Yellow : yes
Dan : Lmao kys
by Cactusjack123 February 1, 2021
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When you finish a gig and party all night long. Three plus sheets to the wind , puke on ur shirt , managing still to get ur luggage and check in and get to ur gate. Only to pass out and miss your flight
Cesar totally pulled a Ramos in Vegas!
by Justmean April 1, 2023
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A nasty, dirty fighter who fights as a bantam weight in the UFC, better known as Ricky Ramos.
Ricky Ramos is a great fighter as evidenced by his 12 & 2 record and success in the UFC. Ramos is often called Dirty Ramos because of his dirty, cheating fight style. He also by superstition, does not wash his buttocks or genitals for months leading up to his fights. His dirty tactics such as biting, eye gouging, and illegal elbow strikes combined with bad smells permeating from his body make Ramos a very unpopular combatant.
by Donald Cowboy Cerrone July 1, 2019
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An amazing girl who is shy but hard working. If your not nice she'll tell you off and teach you how to be nice.She's a loyal friend an excellent person. You can describe only the best people as a "Britany M. Ramos". Others DO NOT deserve it.
Omg the new kid is SUCH a Britany M. Ramos.
by Neeeni January 27, 2021
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The only that i ever cared about and others didn’t like the things i did for if i ever get the chance i will spoil her so much more she will feel the hate that others have for i ain’t mad just want the chance to prove everyone wrong
Angelica my sweet cupcake Ramos i promise you the world and then some
by wooooowoooo May 15, 2022
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Alpha piton specialist who pulls every man and woman on earth like Mr McCann and Ms Rylance
Yo Im gonna hit the gym so I can get some Putas like sigma jose Pina ramos
by Jordihasapiton February 21, 2022
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