Another common phrase in dancer culture, it means rock on monday. This saying brings you good luck and energy for the rest of the week.
,,Let's ROM, my dudes!''
,,YUP, my man, let's go!"
by sekretbusiness May 7, 2021
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Rom is the sexiest guy, girls always love to be around him. He is always playing on the computer and love to explore new things.
He loves animals and mostly dogs.
Girl 1: What do you think about Rom?
Girl 2 : I think he is so cool, i love how he's so calm and good with pets!!
by Algergontery1289 November 21, 2021
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A slang term for the Roma language, made popular in Stephen King’s book “Thinner”, in which the man character is cursed by a Roma man to lose a dangerous amount of weight.
by velvetvamp25 January 18, 2023
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He has that kinda gape face like a slackjawed dumbass, rom faced fool
by Artstuffs June 5, 2023
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A romantic comedy in which one of the lovers dies.
That "Truly, Madly, Deeply" is a fine example of the rom-crem genre IMHO.
by Cheesemonger June 19, 2019
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The belief that all love is defined by tragedy.
I cant decide which movie has more Rom-angst, Twilight or Romeo and Juliet
by Lutra Tata October 29, 2010
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