The process of taking a friend or a lover's hair then burning and smoking it
Guy 1:Hey man let's do some Pyro-Romance!
Guy 2: No way man, last time my house smelled like dink!
by Mike Dewey January 10, 2008
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A spear-creatin obcessed with the many uses of spears and magical bodily juices. Resistance against this nocturnal vegetarian is futile.
Pyro Elf showed me his spear and made me whimper.
by Fergus June 20, 2004
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1.a boy or girl who hasn't finished the stage of the pyrotechnics of a grade7 . it still continues to burn paper and other flammable things in excess. Very highly developed in Pyrotechnics, however since fire is all it thinks about.... It has poor social skills.

2. a person who believes that burning his penis is safer then a condom, and will force itself upon a female if needed to climax

3. a total flamer
"oh dude it was so cool. i burned shit in the microwave"
response- "your such a pyro fag"


"man see that kid? he burnt his penis"
"he's a total P.F"

by lolcats122 August 20, 2008
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A hazardous, geologic event wherein a hyper-accelerating flow of highly concentrated, sulfur infused volcanic magma builds, cools and intermittently cracks, avulsing into jaggedly uniform, mobilzed 'slabs' of densely toxic rock formations. In rare and unique environmental conditions, migratory slabs have been observed to spontaneously combust into abounding flames upon impact with proximate flora, fauna and curious homosapien onlookers, resulting in a enveloping expulsion of sulfuric cinder chards and respiratory impairing, noxious fumes.
1. "Did you see how the lava formed into 'Pyro-noxious Slabs' when it came down the side of of the volcano, cooling in rhythmic waves as it hit the ocean water's edge?"

2. "I still can't believe that Drew was instantaneously incinerated into a sulfuric plume of ash when that 'Pyro-noxious Slab' chased after him while he was trying to take pictures!"
by Charitable Disguise December 4, 2019
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A type of playstyle in valves TF2 that usually involves a free to play, a Gibbus, and a stock flamethrower. To w+m1 pyro, hold the W key and Mouse 1 key at the same time.
Veteran player: Stupid w+m1 pyro noob
W+m1 pyro: git gud, get lmao box
by Caleb1288 February 28, 2016
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Necro- dead, or having sex with dead people

Masochism- enjoying self harm

pyro-necro-masochist: lighting dead bodies on fire while having sex with them and enjoying you're self as you burn with that dead body.
Guy: So I was lighting dead bodies on fire and this guy came and asked if he can have sex with them

Dude: Dude, that guy must be into pyro-necro-masochism.
by an_opheliac March 1, 2009
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