Something I flatly refuse to conform to
What do you call a spade?

Average person: I call a 'spade' a 'spade'
PC dimwit: I call a 'spade' an 'excavation instrument'
Me: I call a 'spade' a 'fucking shovel'!!!
by Quicksand Jesus April 19, 2004
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See also cancer. The death of the First Amendment. Almost every word said nowadays is censored by liberal pussies, forcing to be replaced with the "politically correct" version of it. Also proof we are becoming like the people of George Orwell's 1984

How to talk politically correct so you don't trigger liberals:
White: Caucasian
Black: African-American
Mexican: Hispanic
Asian: People of the Orient
Not crippled: Able-bodied
Crippled: Physically challenged
Short: Vertically challenged
Autistic: Mentally challenged
Blind: Visually challenged
Fat: Horizontally challenged
Deaf: Auditorily challenged
Tall: Person of height
Straight: Heterosexual
Gay: Homosexual
Garbage man: Sanitation worker
All this political correctness makes me understand why some think millennials were a screwed generation
by Captain_Cancer September 27, 2017
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1. The practice of avoiding words or phrases that are associated with stereotypes and unsupported assumptions about groups of people, or that inadvertently reinforce them. See sexism, racism. 2. A term used by conservatives who want to complain when people complain about their sexist, racist or otherwise bigoted remarks, often with the suggestion that the offended person has no right to express their own opinion. See: dog whistle, see: free speech is a two way street.
1. We prefer the term "Native American" instead of "Indian" because it is both historically accurate and shows respect their much longer presence in this country.

2. Female executives are fine, except they all need a really good executive assistant one week a month. If you don't think that's funny, you are just being "politically correct."
by Henry V August 12, 2015
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Distortion of the truth. Since so many people do not believe in the existence of truth, many fail to understand PC and become manipulated by activists who impose PC on others.
We can't say that a man and woman married to each other are husband and wife. We now have to call them "partners". This is Political Correctness.
by utacs August 13, 2013
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A phrase that alt-right assholes use when told that they're being an asshole when they call someone a nigger.
Fox news viewer: Those filthy BLM people are a bunch of niggers.

Guy: that's racist

Fox news viewer: I'm so sick of your Political correctness you snowflake.
by Cryinginside July 29, 2020
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Paranoid right wing tossers getting paranoid about paranoid left wing tossers.
Political correctness will lead to another holocaust!!!1111111!!!!
by Scuzz April 14, 2006
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