A person who is so out of touch with reality that they believe Krispy Kreme donuts are fire and they believe Hilary didn’t delete the emails.
“Guys like Gurpreet are what we call Krispy Kreme Liberals. He thinks Kamala is good at something.”
by Gurpreet da Kreme September 21, 2022
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When someone glazes someone too much or is glazing in general

It’s kind of a pun because Krispy Kreme sells glazed donuts
The media: “wow, isn’t Victor Wembanyama so dreamy? Isn’t literally the best? He’s already better than MJ AND LeBron
Me: “is the NBA sponsored by Krispy Kreme?”
by Cool100Fires November 7, 2023
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A sexual finishing move: during sloppy anal with a fatty, right before climax, pulling out your 'chocolate-covered' penis and shooting your load into the girl's face.
"Last night I gave that bitch a kreme filled fudgie! Fired off a warning shot, one across the bow"
by 4bb@FourBadBankers December 30, 2011
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An intense, overwhelming desire to consume a Krispy Kreme doughnut, glazed, filled or otherwise
Dan: 'I could kill for a doughnut right now'
Jack: 'Omg me too, I have such a Krispy Kreme Kraving'
by byron171 October 25, 2010
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When a male ejaculates in a female's face creating a glaze like a Krispy Kreme doughnut.
I was beatin' down this chick, pulled out, and straight Krispy Kremed her face.
by bwilliams021880 November 23, 2010
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Guy 1: You see that girl across the room?
Guy 2: Man she be a krispy kreme donut.
by 116584 January 15, 2018
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A feeble attempt at a prayer of a diet.
Joanna- "I'm so fat"

April- "To be honest, you really are fat"

Joanna- "I read about the Krispy Kreme Diet in the funnies yesterday, maybe it works"

April- "Ooooo, tastey and inginious!"

(4 weeks later, after a diet of 3 Krispy Kreme donuts daily)

Joanna- "I think this diet is working! My scale says ERR, which i think stands for something good"

(Joanna's brother David overhears the conversation)

David- "No, it means error because you're so fat the scale can't handle the load upon it"

Joanna- "You're just mad because i ate your box of twinkies"

David- "Wow, that makes you even fatter, fatty."
by The_Buddy January 25, 2010
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