A frozen treat you would buy at a circus or fair
Daddy, can you buy me a jabronie?
by zabbo January 13, 2011
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A short, fat, balding, white hillbilly who enjoys a good romp in the hay with farm animals, also known as AE1 Sprouse.
That damn jabroni makes us work 16 hour days. Fuck him....fuck him.
by Clammy MacDougal September 8, 2004
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In reality, jabroni is another way to say zamboni. Zamboni gets to be rather lame after long usage, but jabroni never does.

Jabroni can also be used to describe moron's who suck a lot of dick.
Look at that jabroni going around on the rink.

Oi, that guys a jabroni.
by Mikal S. May 8, 2005
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A Jabronie is the guy/girl you want to be. It's that person that everyone likes picks up all the chicks/dudes, and loves to party hard on occasions. Jabronies also play the chillest sports such as Lacrosse, Hockey, Soccer etc....
Yo if you don't know what a Jabronie is yet you need to hop on the Jabronie Pony.
by A True Jabronie July 18, 2011
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A funkadelic Tony traveler. A desert groover, a dancefloor destroyer.
The Jabronies were out in full force! Hev city!
by Vavavuu April 6, 2017
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To steal somthing un-important, such as a seat.
If two of my friends were sitting on a bench and one got up. I'de Jabronie their seat; I stole their seat.
by RjDizzle March 8, 2006
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The piece of skin between your balls and your asshole.
by Steveo November 24, 2004
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