1) a phrase that is easily exchangeable with the phrase that's so gay.

2) can also describe a moment when someone cant stop talking about food.
Guy 1: How could you fail that test it was easy!!
Guy 2: Yeah, well....your mom!
Guy 1: Dude, that's so fat kid.
by Maddi X February 3, 2010
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A person that works at staples and answers the phone. Easy Tech representative
by Tarbh March 26, 2009
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What you say out loud when you see a overweight, chubby, chunky, fat kid
Fatass John walks down the street stuffing his face with a large bucket KFC

Bill:"Hey everybody, Laugh at the Fat Kid!
by MJlives January 9, 2011
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Noun: A car; An insult for a child the SIZE of a car.
"Got the keys?"
"Yeah, but your fatty fat fat kid is in the way."
by Bucket Life October 2, 2007
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The time in which fat kids begin to eat unhealthy snacks, such a ben & jerrys, meatballs, and snack packs. This usually occurs immediately after lunch and dinner, especially by fat kids nick-named "LOUIE".
"That dinner was really good. But I feel the need for a fat kid snack time. What can I eat now? Ooh! MEATBALLS!!"
by Cait Fat Kid September 25, 2007
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