Smokey, dirty, stale, germ ridden air that will make you sick faster then any other known substance.
Damn, I sucked in so much casino air last night that I think I am getting sick.
by Tynan August 6, 2005
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Simps roll the dice win win sometimes but they never cash out and walk away. Instead they lose back all their money, time and lives to manipulator queens and they never get that pussy again. The house ALWAYS wins.
Mayn I scored BIG TIME at the casino of pussy! But now I gotta do all this shit for her and she don't put out.
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A casino which has deaf guards and has a vault that can be robbed
Wow I got diamonds in the diamond casino heist
by doggo_live August 13, 2023
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When having sex, the male lays on his back and the female goes on top, and the male is fucking the female in the ass while bent over and eating her pussy.
You liquor in the front and poker in the rear
My man casino royale'd me and it was the best thing he ever did
by RaDealest March 25, 2015
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A dragon who likes to play the slot machines. This word was thought up today while playing 'Jade of the Dragon', a slot machine at Casino Aztar in Evansville, IN.
Opal: Here we are at Aztar. Let's hit 'Jade of the Dragon'.

Earl: You big Casino Dragon, you! We're gonna breathe fire all over these other guys.

Opal: (screaming and fire shooting out of her mouth) Let's burn it, baby! This thing is going down!!

Earl: (playfully throws a bucket of water on Opal) Easy, dear, it's only the name of a game, not a real dragon.

Opal: (crying) Poor baby, I expected a real dragon. Well, at least I can do dragon tai chi.
by Dusty's Baby Powder January 7, 2011
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A Show done by internet personality known as Andy Warski and hes cohost PPP (no clue), each episode is them roasting a person and other people contributing to the roast
Person 1: dude have you seen the latest kino casino?
Person 2: yeah that was some hot shit
Person 1: i agree man
by Dwindie February 14, 2022
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1. A fancy dish made with clams.
2. Something that is really good.
1.Yo, are we having clams casino for dinner?
2a. That new cd is so awesome, its the clams casino!
2b. Oh dude that picture for hardcore dancing is the dizzle.. straight clams casino!
by yo mamma February 18, 2005
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