1. (Noun) A person who is good at a particular thing. See also, The Bomb.

2. (Adjective) Amazing.

3. (Verb) To completely own someone or something.
1. "Did you see that huge guy? He's a freakin' beast!"

2. "That guy was totally beastly."

3. "Dude! I just beasted 'Through the Fire and Flames' on Expert! PWNAGE!"
by Mya Abbott May 24, 2008
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1. to be very aggressive (more commonly used when describing aggressiveness during sports or sex)

2. used to descibe very ugly male or female; the epitome of ugly

3. another name for prison (jail); used more commonly in the 80's & 90's. another well known term is "belly of the beast"
1. Michael Jordan was a beast last night he scored 57 points! or Last night Kevin fucked me like a wild beast.

2. How could you set me up on a date with that beast?

3. Julio been locked up in the beast for the past 3 yrs now.
by Paperchaser February 25, 2006
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Extremely hard fucking. Usually consists of the girl digging her nails into, and scratching the fuck out of the dudes back cause it's that good.
Yo brah, me and Julia were beastin last night.
by mike-uh April 1, 2008
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British military slang for rough treatment, often in the form of unofficial punishment or ritualistic bonding exercises for new recruits. May refer to hard training, beatings, sexual humiliation or any number of strange and unpleasant experiences.
'The new recruits were given a good beasting to lick them into shape.'

'The fat kid wasn't pulling his weight, so a bunch of us followed him into the bogs and gave him a quick beasting with a broom handle.'
by you evil twin October 15, 2006
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Army slang for a beating or very hard run with a kit.
"I just copped a beasting on Pen-y-fan."
by Diego July 29, 2003
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