An often yellow capped, scarlet, pus laden boil, located in and around the groin, flanking one's genitals. A contraction of groin and boil. Sometimes called 'scarleys'.
Although dormant, Melanie's abundant crop of burnished groils, drew loud gasps from fellow bathers and paddlers at the beach that day.
Or, Melanie dismounted the broken exercise bike, exclaiming 'My scarleys are killing me!'
by Herbie H Dongsporran February 21, 2021
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a. ) A technique of cooking originating from iceland which mixes both broiling and grilling.

b. ) An equivalent to spot on, kouta, mayst or moil.
a.) "mmm Björn, this broiler tastes amazing groiled."

b.) "that youtube video of a twitching eye is groil"
by Barry Kouta. May 25, 2010
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Grease, Grit and Oil - used by car mechanics and engineers - the result of black stain on face, hands and overalls from working on the underside of a car or machine. The mess made from hard work and perseverance. Scottish/British slang term.
It takes a lot of hard work and groil to be a successful engineer
by A Scottish Engineer September 15, 2020
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Grease, Grime and Oil - used by Car Mechanics and Engineers - result of hard work and perseverance. The mess made from working non-stop. Scottish/British slang term.
It takes a lot of hard work and groil to become a successful engineer.
by A Scottish Engineer September 15, 2020
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combo of grease, grime, and oil chocolate men mechanics cars overalls dad les schwab jack bauer jim wilson
I dropped the fudge into a bunch of groil.
by ITCrowdMoss January 19, 2010
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an amalgam of gonads, scrotum and boils - delicious with sauteed potatoes and lightly steamed carrots.
also see scrolls
aaargh jim lad, he's got 'im by the groils
by poodlewrestler November 10, 2003
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