Verb: To go on continuously about something, usually something geeky
Wow John, you geek so hard about that game
by gfedcba4 November 11, 2014
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A nerd, but without the intelligence of said nerd.
Jimmy with the t1 is a nerd, but Bob over there tripping over his shadow is a geek
by Josh January 18, 2005
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Has no social life at all.
teaches everyone all the new tech-shit @ work.
earns twice as much as the people who made them feel bad in school.
Spends half of this on porn.
Has sex with a guido's girlfriend, while watching porn.
guido: "yo playboy look at that geek"

Nerd: "fernando please just do your job and shut up."

Guido: "yes...i'me sorry boss"
by lolcat-enthousiast September 6, 2008
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Definition 1: Excessive or extreme laughter resulting primarily from the use
of marijuana, or any other mind expanding drugs.

Definition 2: Any form of marijuana, which is usually quality shit, that forces a person into bursts of laughter.
Example 1: Man that was some geek ass bud.

Example 2: That shit made me geek so hard.
by Ryan Seal April 11, 2007
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One who is almost entirely devoted to academic persuits and has little to no interest in the opposite sex; one who lives in his/her own little world.
Marc is 25, has never had a girlfriend and still goes to Star Wars conventions. We need to help the geek out.
by Scott Besei March 14, 2007
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the watery substance that forms on the end of a camels penis
i'm dehydrating in this desert, let's see if the camel's have any geek
by RatherLargeDave December 15, 2007
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Ugly, socially inept, boring male (usually, but some of them can be female) whom nobody wants to fuck. Some of them grow up to be another abomination: yuppies. Many of them have a mild form of schizophrenia and have very limited breadth of thought process and cultural exposure. A lot of geeks are latent gays, though they try to mask it, but the reality is that they suck in bed whether with homo- or heterosexual partner. The geekness has a potential cure: gym time and outdoors. Geeks usually need to get a life.

Contrary to popular belief, someone being a software engineer or similar high-level computer professional does not equal "geek"--especially if they have education in the field. A well-balanced person who is athletic, well-traveled, true art lover, morally sound and in general has a life can be a computer professional and not be a geek.
I need to take a shower asap, I've been sitting near a geek... who knows it might be infectious.
by zackyboi2 August 11, 2009
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