When fat people grow goatees to try to make themselves look better. As defined by Roast Beef in the comic strip Achewood: "When a dude of gravity tries to distinguish his neck from his face by arbitrarily shaping facial hair that is the bloatee"
"He had to grow a bloatee so people would know where his face ended and his neck began."
by Golfhaus September 7, 2005
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When a dude of gravity tries to distinguish his neck from his face by arbitrarily shaping facial hair.
Dogg I cannot brook the gossamer bloatee
by samsonitedogg September 9, 2005
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When dude of gravity (a heavyset man) tries to distinguish his neck from his face by arbitrarily shaping his facial hair.
Dogg I cannot brook the gossamer bloatee.
Oh do not tell me you wear the bloatee.
by Jackmack September 7, 2005
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