20 definitions by zach block

Give me an ass job, baby, I'll make ya famous!
by zach block June 6, 2005
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a euphemism for Marijuana that no one has ever used and probably never will use
Sgt. Joe Friday: Look, Smith, it's a hopper-head.
Smith: Let's shove a light fixture up his ass and pull out his intestines.
Sgt. Joe Friday: C'mere mama! Tryin' TO PUFF THAT OL' DIGGY DIGGY! The scrim-scim-screw. The tea, see?
Pothead: I'm just smoking the marrrry jane maaaaaaaaaaan.
Smith: He's obviously possessed.
Friday. Let's kill him.
by zach block June 24, 2005
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1) An ugly guy that male metro-sexuals hang out with to increase their chances of getting laid.

(Unlike hot girls' relationship with their respective ooks, guys are emotionless, vigilant sexual pragmatists, who don't really care if the oonk gets laid or not, therefore, oonk has two connotations.

2) A (optionally) ugly or pathetic guy that fiercely heterosexual, albeit socially inept and sexually underexperienced hang out with to make fun of in front of girls, because, in their warped minds, they think that girls like assholes, and they will get laid. Certain girls do like assholes, but they think that guys who pretend to be assholes to get laid and are truly decent people are fucking pathetic, and no matter how empty they themselves are, they are true. That's pathetic.
Jake: Fuck that kid, he's just our oonk, you know.

Sally: Wow, you're so brilliant.

Jake: Suck me.

Sally: No. Okay. You look like my daddy *slurp slurp*.

Hateful...so hateful...
by zach block June 6, 2005
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The gender classification for transgender individuals with ambiguous sexual characteristics, though leaning slightly towards masculine characteristics.
I've got testicles inside my labia. I must me a merm!
by zach block June 6, 2005
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1. A highly influential, oft aped, animated television sitcom. First aired in late 1989; originated as a recurring animated skit on the Tracey Ullman show, created by Matt Groening.

2. The family depicted on the show of the same name.
I like The Simpsons, they are an interesting family. Their trials and tribulations make for excellent television watchin'!
by zach block June 12, 2004
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