2 definitions by xXW1CKEDC0R5AL4D69Xx

the Vauxhall Corsa is a supermini offered by GM and started production in 1993 taking after the Nova (Another wicked car) its been through 5 generations now on the E featuring VXR,SXI and SRI models a popular model for boy racers and mostly young chavs the Limited Edition especially the Corsa D Variant. The driver of a Corsa LE or the pop culture icon Corsa C would look down on Fiesta Punto and Polo drivers as scum, would meet on Morrison’s car park at 3am to beat their rivals theyd wear a backwards cap and wear the cheapest designer clothing, For dinner they eat Mcdonalds 3 times a day and listen to such fabulous songs as “McMental-AtHisBest” “MC Devvo-Donny Soldier” but more recently 6ix9ine and J-Hus.
Look at dat wicked kid in that corsa doin’ donuts there kid.
by xXW1CKEDC0R5AL4D69Xx December 14, 2018
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Driven by a 50 year old man with the most depressing life and kids in the basement. The only reason youd buy this piece of shite is if its free.
Is that a Peugeot 3008 HDI?Im gonna be sick.
by xXW1CKEDC0R5AL4D69Xx December 14, 2018
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