30 definitions by www.eternalsoldiers.net

1.Short for dreadlord
2. An acronym for dont lag.
1. No no! Its dreadlord not druglord!
2. gl hf dd ds dl - good luck have fun dont die dont suck dont lag
by www.eternalsoldiers.net September 4, 2003
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One of two things you can do in poker as the starting player.
Dealer: Check or bet sir?
Man 1: Bet 1000.
Man 2: I CALL AND RAISE U 20000!
Man 3: Is it possible to check?
by www.eternalsoldiers.net July 26, 2003
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Similar to getting your wordMack/word on, except your more shy about doing it.
by www.eternalsoldiers.net August 25, 2003
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A synonym for the worddevil/word,wordSatan/word, and wordetc./word
Beelzebub is evil.
by www.eternalsoldiers.net August 25, 2003
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Someone new to something. See wordnewb/word

Man i dont want that hoss near us!
by www.eternalsoldiers.net June 28, 2003
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Person on Warcraft III on West Server, that plays too much Warcraft III and is very good player
Dang i sure dont wanna end up against CrazyAssassin!
by www.eternalsoldiers.net June 9, 2003
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