39 definitions by wouldaben

As thin as a model, particularly a runway/catwalk model. Very thin with essentially no visible fat. Abdomen is either flat or, preferably, concave. Hip bones and the lower edges of the rib cage rise as peaks above the valley of the abdomen created between them. Real breasts are not present as real breasts are filled with fat that was long ago stripped away by diet and exercise. Artificial breasts are sometimes present as they are composed of materials that cannot be digested to support basal metabolism. Cheeks are hollow and cheek-bones are prominent. Thighs are not much, if any, thicker than the calves. When the model stands, she creates the approximation of a one-dimensional line protruding perpendicular to the plane of the floor on which she stands.
I understand that in order to be as thin as they are, models must endure constant hunger, hunger headaches, coldness, frequent colds/flu, and often abuse drugs such as cocaine and cigarettes. Even when they have no body fat, they use laxatives and enemas to minimize their waists through fecal removal. None the less, I am ashamed to admit that I am enthralled with the sylphic beauty of women who are model thin. I have tried for two decades to ignore or change this attraction, but I cannot shake it.
by wouldaben December 12, 2010
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shivers caused by a woman's coldness due to her dieting (restricting her calorie intake to lose weight and/or become thinner). Dieting causes the metabolism to slow and therefore generate less heat, causing the dieter to shiver to keep warm.
Though the night was 80 degrees Fahrenheit, the model had diet shivers because she had been fasting for two days in preparation for a photo-shoot.
by wouldaben January 6, 2011
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the phenomenon on a thin woman of the waist-band of her panties being suspended between her hip bones without touching her concave lower abdomen. This phenomenon is best achieved when the woman is lying on her back. Panty bridges are considered attractive by many not only because they demonstrate the thinness of the woman but, when viewed from the proper angle, provide a view of the top of the woman's vulva/pubic mound.
That model is showing off how thin she is by lying down, sucking in her already tiny abdomen, and creating a panty bridge so deep that a train could drive under it.
by wouldaben December 15, 2010
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a contest between two women to see who can lose the most weight or be the thinnest by a given time. A diet dual may be proposed to resolve a disagreement between the contestants, much like the sword and gun duals in the days of yore.
Keira and Alessandra argued bitterly over who was sexier. Finally, they decided to settle their dispute with a diet dual. Whoever had the lowest BMI (Body Mass Index) by Valentine's Day would be declared the sexier of the two.
by wouldaben January 6, 2011
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a pathological disorder in which one is sexually aroused by the idea of a woman trying to reduce her weight, size, or adiposity for purely aesthetic reasons. No sexual arousal occurs if an obese woman attempts to reduce, but if a woman who is already slender expresses a desire to reduce simply to increase her sexual appeal, arousal is triggered. In addition, the motivation for her weight loss must be her enthusiasm at the prospect of becoming even more sexy, not dread or self-hatred.
I only exhibit diet-philia in the abstract; when I deal with actual women in real life, I want them to be healthy, happy, comfortable, and in constant sexual ecstasy. But I still find slim women the most attractive. I just don't want them to have to suffer to be slim.
by wouldaben December 12, 2010
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a young woman or girl who views the constant pursuit of thinness as an inherent and integral aspect of being female. Diet girls constantly restrict their calorie intake, talk about their efforts to be thinner, and praise others who have lost weight, and they tend to giggle when talking about their own efforts at weight-loss. Their world-view is that thinner is always better, and they don't think about much else. Unlike the stereotypical anorexic, diet girls are not self-loathing; they are not capable of the introspective ability necessary for self-loathing. Their outlook is superficially cheery and shallow. Diet girls are always thin but they always want to be thinner. Fat girls who constantly talk about dieting and weight-loss are merely imitators hoping that their talk will make others mistake them for thin girls.
I knew Stephanie was a diet girl from the moment I met her. The first thing I heard her say was, "I ordered the egg-white omelet because it had no carbs or fat, but I could barely finish half of it. Tee-hee-hee. Slimette lost weight recently and she looks great. I'm trying to lose 10 pounds." Stephanie was model-thin already and gorgeous because of it, but she was an absolute bore when it came to conversation.
by wouldaben January 6, 2011
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Those brown specks on the bathroom floor around the toilet.
Those aren't little pieces of milk chocolate on your bathroom floor. Them is shit crumbs!
by wouldaben January 9, 2011
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