24 definitions by weyus

Providing fellatio in order to ingratiate yourself to one or more people and get something you want in return. While this can literally occur, often it is meant euphemistically.
Bob, hoping to get a job after some time being laid off, considered the idea of ingratio with respect to his new job.
During the interview he thought "Gentlemen, I'm excited to start sucking this cock." Luckily, he did not say this out loud.
by weyus February 5, 2021
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John: Did you hear about how the CryptBS coin just plummeted in value? I'm down like $5000! Fuck!
Rick: Man, I told you not to be buying no digital beanie babies, didn't I?
by weyus November 10, 2022
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To tweet (post messages to Twitter) while intoxicated.
I got drunk last night and decided to shitfacetweet what I was thinking.
by weyus August 4, 2010
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To use the iPhone 4's Facetime video calling feature whilst shitfaced.
I was out of town on a business trip, I got hammered one night and decided to shitfacetime my girlfriend and see if she would show me her tits.
by weyus August 4, 2010
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The act of walking home from a party or other social event where one has drunk too much and committed embarrassing acts, rather than that waiting for or asking for a ride. Often done clandestinely (i.e., without letting your friends know you left).

Usage: Shameabout can be used without an article, in the same way as safari or sabbatical (i.e., "on shameabout")
Partygoer #1 - Hey, where did Rick go?
Partygoer #2 - He had a few too many and started fondling the hostess with a soup ladle. Then he serenaded everyone with a rendition of "The Fat Boys Are Back" and threw up on the new sofa. I think he's on shameabout."
by weyus January 9, 2012
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The extreme mental and sometimes emotional frustration that comes from trying to reason with someone who is not using rationality to drive their decisions (e.g. religious fanatics, conspiracy theorists, etc.)
John: Hey have you heard about this documentary called "Plandemic" - it's about how THEY created the coronavirus in order to enslave us with a vaccine that everyone "has to take".

Peter: What the fuck are you talking about John? I watched it and it's clearly horseshit. No one in that video is credible and almost all of them have been debunked as crackpots elsewhere...why are you telling me about this shit?

John: Dude, you don't understand, THEY have a plan and we are going to lose our freedom, bro. Why can't you see? Don't be a sheep, man!

Peter: Thanks John, now you've given me rational blue balls. I need to go talk with a reasonable person and maybe I'll feel better.
by weyus May 7, 2020
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An Indian meal that is blamed for the poor quality of several subsequent bowel movement.
Bob: I have had some horrible shits since we went to Raja Elephant and had that vindaloo. I can't believe how much I pay the price for that food.
Alice: Oh, shut up! It's been 36 hours since we were there - you know that vindaloo is just a scapecurry!
by weyus August 30, 2015
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