3 definitions by vsafdfulgclGCWE

A physiological dance action where one must lower their head to a 41 degree angle into their lower elbow. They would either flap their hands up while doing this dab, or point their hands toward the heavens.

One hand dabbs, however, is the lazy way of showing off to your friends that you can dabb.
Patient: Doctor, I can't stop dabbing!
Doctor: Serves you right.
by vsafdfulgclGCWE February 16, 2017
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There are lots of ways you can specify Trump:
An Orange,
His hair looks like sweetcorn,
A troll doll,
Biff, from back to the future,
Girl: Yeah... don't know why that orange faced troll doll won
by vsafdfulgclGCWE February 16, 2017
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The ship name for Miranda and Ferdinand from The Tempest.
Girl: OMG This the the part when Mirandanand performs. It's so beautiful.
Guy: I hate Shakespeare
by vsafdfulgclGCWE February 15, 2017
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