33 definitions by vic

An Australian Band, who's fast rise to fame, due to them being over-hyped as the 'Next Nirvana' by the stupidest magazine ever NME led to their rapid decline in fame, and the unfounded comparation to Kurt resulted to much distrought and animosity by Vines and Nirvana fans alike.
Lead singer Craig Nicholls is known for having the autism spectrum disorder Apsperger's Syndrome which explains his being a prat.
Everyone says The Vines sound like Nirvana, when although they are only mildly influenced (as most bands are) by them. The lyrics and vocals sound nothing alike except for their major Hit 'Get Free' which is similar in structure to 'Negative Creep'. I lizen to da Vines becoz NME tells me wot to do and now NME tells me 2 hate dem so i do, but now coz craggles hav asperger NME want me to write crag letter 4 support even do NME told me to hate dem. NME iz god. it tellz me what i shood hate and like coz i hav no opinion. 111!!!
by vic February 5, 2005
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A loser usually of the nerdy type. Short for Eenis Conveenus.
Ricky Martin is an een.
by vic July 22, 2003
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A unit of measurement for hot chicks. Similar to the 1-10 scale but can only be used on hot chicks and only has three levels which are pumpkin, double pumpkin and tripple pumpkin. If a girl is not hot she is not a pumpkin at all.
That cheerleader from PHS is a tripple pumpkin.
by vic July 22, 2003
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A lengendary entity which appears once in a life. Said to be followed by corrupt chaos
by vic October 26, 2003
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An expulsion of gas through the rectum.
It smells like a garbage pail egg sart in here.
by vic July 22, 2003
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