3 definitions by trutherbotnet

A critical thinking desert is a community that has limited access to different opinions and impartial information.
by trutherbotnet May 17, 2022
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When the tweet you planned to post goes past the character limit, then you cut, change and edit, so you can fit it into one tweet. After you post it, you realize you left in/out a random word or had text/punctuation in the wrong place that makes it sound weird.
"By the time I realized my twitter dyslexia, people had already liked and re-tweeted it"
by trutherbotnet May 18, 2020
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When Social Justice Warriors scream out virtue signalling terms such as racist, misogyny, xenophobic, 'literally a Nazi', etc... in an attempt to label sane people who dare question the SJW ideology.
When Doug asked Candace and Toni about 3rd wave feminism, he was put on blast with a barrage of virtue slurs.
by trutherbotnet March 2, 2017
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