Adverb; 1. Someone who has a fear of foreigners or foreign things.
2. Rad person who goes into the Goth room in Teen Chat and you should totally check them out.
Jane: That foreigner kid is freaky, man.
Dane: You must be xenophobic, yo!

by Denee August 7, 2007
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Afraid of everything. Gays,Bisexual, the dark, animals, different races,and monsters are included
(Insert Name) is xenophobic, therefore he/she lives alone in his/her own sealed bubble.
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Basically, to hate or be afraid of people from different cultures, religions or ethnic origins.

Comes from the word xenophobic.
If you are ever caught doing something racist use this word in your defence.
by Jade November 23, 2003
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fo' reel, them white peoples is evil.

shut up, fou. you aint notin but a xenophobe.

Hey! where'd'you lern a word like dat!
by cinnabun! August 28, 2003
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A Xenophobe is simply someone who hates foreigners. Usually an Alf Garnet Type.
I'm NOT a xenophobe, I just can't stand Fucking foreigners!
by A Garnet February 23, 2005
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