2 definitions by toshinator

½ Man, ½ Chimpanzee. Most hilarious word ever. Too bad a Manpanzee doesn't actually exist, but there are many sightings of unidentified animals that could be a Manpanzee, like bigfoot, yeti, abominable snowman, etc. Also, the theync user weeg may possibly be a Manpanzee, judging from his speech patterns. A possible rendition of a Manpanzee is the infamous Mangurl, which is what weeg supposedly looks like.
Manpanzee can be affectionately shortened to Manpan. The female version of a Manpanzee would logically be Womanpanzee.
*Manpanzee wakes up and goes downstairs*

Womanpanzee Wife: Aww you're up early, I am making Manpancakes today!
Manpanzee: Me eat Manpancakes. Did thay finished yet?
Womanpanzee Wife: Aww Manpan, why are you in such a hurry? You don't have to go to work for another hour!
Manpanzee: Me go early today.
Womanpanzee Wife: I love you.
Manpanzee: Me love you.
by toshinator February 25, 2010
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The most hilarious photoshop production ever, there are no words to describe this masterpiece. It was used for the Schfifty-five video on albinoblacksheep. The ugliest face in the universe. It has monkey eyes, extremely bad teeth, strange facial hair pattern, pigtails coming outta nowhere, and a smile that can light up a room. The best part is that it is somehow happy with the way it looks.

Notoriously used as the avatar for weeg on theync forums to cause extreme annoyance/frustration with his trademark quote "did she died?"
I will post the picture of Mangurl when this website lets me.
by toshinator February 25, 2010
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