538 definitions by tom

Genmay is an internet forum which is hellbent on reusing old and now unfunny internet catchphrases. Just look at the other definitions for what I mean. Most of thier humour is stolen from somethingawful.com after their forums have sucked all the funny out of it.

Genmay is basically where all the fark/somethingawful washouts end up. If you enjoy killing every last little bit of a joke over and over again, this forum is for you!
Hey man, I just visited Genmay and I saw a totally hilarious image of Admiral Ackbar saying IT'S A TRAP. AHHAHAHA LOOOOOOOL.
by tom November 9, 2004
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Oh mother, I've attained happiness! Oh wait, i'm on acid..
by tom May 2, 2003
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An enthusiastic word followed by a meager attempt to converse with an uninterested potential mate.
Mark: How are you doing today mam?
Mam: "Shut up and do your job!"
Mark: SCORE!
by tom March 20, 2003
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herumspielen, sich die Zeit vertreiben
by tom June 7, 2004
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The event where the female genitals go into a state of heightened arousal and excrete a spongy white fluid that seeps from the clitoris and onto the vacant space or ‘chin rest’ below. In the event of extreme arousal the clitoris may go into a temporary spasm, thus causing (female) ‘Sticky White Love Piss’ to spurt forward and beyond. Thus causing the arrival of odd shaped snail trails.
Splat - followed by yuck or carry on munching
by tom January 21, 2004
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greek word for dick
(masculine - o poutsos)
(feminine - i poutsa)
(neutral - to poutsaki =small dick)
Exo oraio poutso (=I have a beautiful dick)
Katse ston poutso mou (=sit on my dick)
by tom December 4, 2003
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