3 definitions by thislittlepoopypantsishungry

It means you aren't chimmy. Chimmy is a word that means various things depending upon the context, but it is always a good thing to be. So, If you are non-chimmy then you're trash. No good. Your life is not worth living.
Chimmy person: "You fucking normie, you non-chimmy bitch why don't you kill yourself"?

Non-chimmy person: "ur mum".
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Jim: "Do you use git in your software development?"
Steve: "What...you mean that goddamn idiotic truckload of sh*t? Hell yeah I do"
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Shit. "Morty" is another word for shit, and can be used in many contexts, including talking about your bowel movements.
"You're both peices of Morty and I can prove it mathematically"
Rick: "I gotta go take a biiiiig faatt morty" Morty: "Aww jeez rick"
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