109 definitions by the moody poet

A cocktail of illegal and legal drugs mixed together.

Mixture of dolls.

A buffet of uppers and downers. Watch The Basketball Diaries movie with Leonardo Dicaprio or Scarface with Al Pacino.

Prescription diet medication that suppresses appetite and also has a kick of speed in it. See Duromine.

The act of popping pills like tic-tacs and using them for food intake.

The opposite of Kirstie Alley. See Kirstie Alley Syndrome

The act of one continuous drug run. See Diet Junkie or Diet Nazi.
"Sharon are you on the Nicole Richie Diet or what?"

"No Misha I swear girlfriend I'm not!"

"Well how'd you lose 20 kilos in one week bitch?"

"Sheila looks like she's the walking dead!"
"Uhuh I know, she's on the Nicole Richie Diet!"
by the moody poet October 17, 2006
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When a parent kills their own child or children i.e. son's or daughter's.

When Mom or Dad feels the urge to murder their own children.
Filicide is very popular in Islam and is being committed in western countries. Many young females have died with acts of filicide for not obeying Islam.

On the site The Killing Zone BlogSpot details how innocent children are being killed with acts of filicide by their parents for wanting the freedom of choice to believe in what they want to believe in, and date who ever they want to date.
by the moody poet January 21, 2007
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A guy that will fuck anything.

A guy that will fuck the most ugliest and most disgusting chicks in town.

A guy that has a motto, "A holes a hole!"
MATT: I'm so fucking horny I could fuck that grandma!
TODD: Dude! Your one Filthy Fucker!

Just after sex…
TINA: So Rodd... Do you think we can be together now as boyfriend and girlfriend?
RODD: Huh? Are you for real bitch? Your bigger than a house and your cunt smells like a fucking chimney!
TINA: (Yells) Get the fuck out of my squat you filthy fucker!
RODD: (laughing) You were just a fucking hole baby, just a fucking hole!
by the moody poet November 6, 2006
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A sicko that likes to have sex with children.

A delusional pervert that tries to justify having sex with a child.
The prophet muhammad married a 6yo girl named Aisha and then raped her when she was 9 years old. At the time of his marriage to Aisha the prophet was in his late 50's, making him well and truly a pedophile.

"Do you worship the prophet muhammad?"

"What?" "Are you out of your fucking mind?" "Why would I worship a demonic possessed pedophile?"
by the moody poet January 5, 2008
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Lebbo is slang for Lebanese.

Lebbo's are considered by Syria and Saudi's to be of a lesser class of Arab. Therefore Lebbo's are expendable to Syria and the Saudi's to use as they’re own private fuck puppet against Israel.

Lebbo is slang for a Lebanese living in a foreign country that has dual-citizenship that still believes they have the right to vote and make decisions for their mother country Lebanon, even after having not lived their for over 20 years or more, and some not even holding citizenship anymore. See Delusional.

A Lebbo is someone who refuses to accept the ways of another country, but takes advantage of that country i.e. welfare, tax etc and believes they have a superior right to still make decisions in Lebanon based from a foreign country.

In a sense a Lebbo is a man or woman that is still mentally living in Lebanon but physically living in a new country i.e. Hypocrite, Third World Trash and Culture Melt.
The native Lebanese said in a local news article that although they appreciate the input from Lebanese who have immigrated all over the world, they did not want homeland decisions made or pushed on by immigrated Lebanese people who had not visited in the past 20 years or who just use Lebanon as a tourist vacation spot once in awhile. Thanks, but no thanks!

The Lebbo was arrogant and set in his ways that he would never budge! A sociology-psychiatrist said that a culture melt would fix him up in the end.

The Lebbo went back to Lebanon, although never having been born there, felt that since his parents were Lebanese and he occasionally went on vacation in Lebanon that gave him the right to direct Lebanon's political and social affairs from his new country. See emotionally raped and parents.

The Lebbo had not realized that having arrived in her new country that she had undergone a culture melt. When going back to Lebanon although her family was happy to see her, they couldn’t help but notice that through westernization she seemed different in appearance and attitude.
by the moody poet August 21, 2006
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Osama bin Laden is an Islamic Fundamentalist and a Militant Islamist that was born Usâmah bin Muhammad bin 'Awad bin Lâdin on March 10 1957 to a wealthy family in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.

Riyadh is the capital of Saudi Arabia and in Arabic it means, place of gardens and trees.

Osama is wanted by the FBI with involvement in terrorism and bombings all over the world. Osama is on the Most Wanted Top 10 Fugitive List for:

==(1998)== U.S. embassy bombings in Dar es Salaam, Tanzania, Nairobi and Kenya. 257 people were killed and over 4,000 people injured.
==(2000)== USS Cole Ship suicide bombing where 17 sailors were killed and 39 others were injured.
==(2001)== 9/11 attacks on the U.S killing 2,986 people.
4. (2002) Bali nightclub bombings killing 202 people and injuring 209 other people.
5. (2004) Madrid Bombings killed 191 people and wounded over 1700 other people.
6. (2005) 3 Hotels frequented by westerners bombed killing 60 people and injuring 115 others.

The list goes on and on...

Osama's father married 22 times and is estimated to have around 55 children with Osama being born the 17th child. Osama's father ironically died in a plane crash in 1967, and control then passed to Osama's half brother Salem who married an English art student, Caroline Carey.

Osama's families have disowned Osama officially in 1994 under pressure from the Saudi government. Although it has been said that Osama has contacted some of his family who have also been caught out funneling money to al-Qaeda terrorist organizations.

Osama spoke out at the Saudi government who then stripped Osama of his Saudi citizenship. However part of his family still supports Osama and their wealth is immense in funding his operations. Osama's first wife, Najwa Ghanem is Osama's first cousin and his mother's niece. Osama has many children to different wives who are all wealthy and supportive.

Osama is the founder of al-Qaeda a terrorists group that splinters all over the world with a basis of causing mass destruction and death to westerners or anyone that is not Muslim.

Osama is seen as a hero in the Muslim and Islamic world for standing up to America, United Kingdom and other supporters. Osama wants the world to fall under one system based under the Qur'an. Where political, legal, economic and social values are all based off the plagiarised writings of The Prophet Muhammad. See Mecca-Cola for more Islamic thieving!

Osama believes that all Christian Churches, Jewish Temples must all be bombed and desecrated. Osama believes that everyone must convert to Muslim or die.

Osama believes it's his divine calling to destroy anything from the west, including buildings and people. See Anti-Christ or mark of the beast.

Maybe next time when Osama or Muslim's get the urge to cause destruction amongst the west it would be a good idea to return the favor and blow up the Dome of the Rock and see how Muslims like it? See Temple Mount and Eretz Yisrael Faithful Movement and support tearing down their evil that is plaguing our world. See refugees.
"Let's all help the Temple Mount and Eretz Yisrael Faithful Movement return the 9/11 favor!"

"It's time to stand up and give those murdering Islamic incestuous bastards, Osama bin Laden, a taste of their own medicine!"

Stop immigration of the mud nations and help the Temple Mount Faithful Movement dig those satanic dogs into the ground!"
by the moody poet September 8, 2006
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A female genital piercing's.

To have more than one clit ring around the female genitalia.

What is sometimes used at lesbian weddings as wedding bands.
Tina loved her all her clit rings.

Norma and Cher exchanged clit rings after exchanging their wedding vows.
by the moody poet November 10, 2006
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