40 definitions by the evil steve

A number so friggin' huge that it's beyond stupid - it's retarded.
Congress just passed another spending bill giving 695 tardillion dollars to the lobbies that paid for their election campaigns.
by the evil steve March 14, 2009
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Sports-related: to knock a team out of playoff contention. Derived from the tendency for sports teams to grow their beards during the playoffs as a sign of team unity.
The Chargers bought the Titans their razor(buy their razor) last night by pounding them 42-17 in Tennessee, knocking the Titans to 7-8 and completely out of the playoff chase.
by the evil steve December 26, 2009
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aka Eau de 'Neck - that aroma born of the marriage of cigarette smoke and perspiration. The potency varies from a light musky quasi-pheremonal odor of the standard smoking office worker at 3pm to the overwhleming spit-roasted-skunk aroma of a NASCAR Tent City.
Say... did a cat piss on the pack of cigarettes in your pocket, or is that your daily spritz of MarlBO?
by the evil steve January 13, 2007
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In reference to the classic Dr. Seuss book. Describes a marathon sexual encounter involving multiple positions and locations, be they done or or projected to be done.
1. "Dude! Megan's roommate was away for the weekend, so we just rocked it all over the house - every bedroom, the kitchen, the bathroom, the living room - it was awesome! We went green eggs and ham for three straight days!"

2. "Damn, could I go all green eggs and ham on that: I would do her on a train, I would do her in the rain. I would do her in the trees, I would mount her on her knees..."
by the evil steve April 6, 2010
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A party or event you aren't particularly pleased about hosting. Usually work related, but could filter down to family- or roommate-based gatherings.
Coffee is ready in the board room, mugs and donuts are all lined up, and I can smell the investment bankers and lawyers on their way to finalize the merger. When do the infestivities officially begin?
by the evil steve September 23, 2016
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1. (dictionary) Widespread contagion, usually a bacteria or virus, that kills or severly sickens a large number people in a particular geographic area.

2. (American Media) Half-assed drug or dumbass activity that kills a couple suburban white kids, usually in the Baltimore area for some reason.
1. The SARS epidemic of 2003 killed hundreds and hospitalized thousands in China and Toronto.

2. Stone Phillips reporting on the highway surfing epidemic... Ashleigh Banfield to follow with an expose on the paint-huffing epidemic.
by the evil steve August 17, 2005
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White trash who aspire to ghetto-king chic through as little effort as possible - tricking out hoopties, zirchonia bling, and using all the street lingo their flabby little brains are capable of processing. Differs from the chav by its distinctly 'Murkan flavored redneck-gangsta hybrid accent.

Clem and Jaylynn dress their son Jayclem in a yard-sale enyce tracksuit and fake-diamond earrings - they're bucking for the cover of Gray Trash Digest.
by the evil steve April 8, 2007
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