66 definitions by the comand'r

Paige went to Cabo last weekend and had a blast, no pun intended. Loved the food, but ended up making shit gravy because if it.
by the comand'r September 21, 2018
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When traveling with your wife and staying in a hotel, the man is not allowed to shit in the hotel room bathroom. This international law applies even if she is not in the room at the time the man does his bidness.
Marrie: Herbie, I came back from my spa appointment and was fouled by what I thought to be a crowd clearer. I did some deuce diligence to learn that you capped in our hotel room toilet.

Herbie: Sorry babe. I went to drop off my lobby log downstairs, but they were cleaning the lobby bathrooms. Couldn't hold after 3 cups of coffee.
by the comand'r May 28, 2023
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When two guys hang out together in a non-romantic fashion over dinner or a show. Also referred to as a "man date".
I was planning to take my wife out to see the Bostones with dinner beforehand. She bailed at the last minute, so I invited Eric and we went out on a dick date.
by the comand'r August 26, 2014
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A political term for the condition of a house that needs a lot of work/repair.
Paige: That house is in a beautiful location but needs a lot of work inside.

Jillian: Ya, I think the owners are in the premodel stage, though they have been there for 8 years
by the comand'r August 20, 2022
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The act of making a left on a red left turn arrow as per the recommendation, nay mandate, from Adam Carolla, e.g. Car roll left.
I was in a rush to get to work the other day and listening to my favorite podcast, Guinness Book's #1 podcast that is, and was stopped at a left turn arrow unnecessarily, so I pulled a carolleft and was on my way - no chicken-shit ticket to be had.
by the comand'r April 25, 2016
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A celebration which comes to early, e.g. a premature cheer
In a heated beach volleyball match, LMU hit a killer shot to looked like it won the match for LMU so the LMU fans went wild, but Kat had an amazing one-armed dig to pop the ball over for the point against LMU, who was already celebrating their victory. The LMU team lost the point during their premacheer
by the comand'r March 31, 2023
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Short for "f-ing umpire" or a lame umpire/referee who makes poor or one-sided calls in a game, especially against your team.
That fumpire is horrible. If he had another eye, he'd be a cyclops!
by the comand'r October 3, 2013
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