12 definitions by the urban husky

A contagious form of sexual dysfunction, often infecting whole countries, and particularly prevalent in Britain and Canada. Manifests itself in the form of violent hatred and/or catty jealousy towards redheaded people, no matter how beautiful, instead of figuring out what else they might be good for. Generally considered one of the strongest arguments in favor of the American Revolution.

Also called gingerism.
"Yeah, I'm datin' a redhead. You see, while you were down sick with gingerphobia, I found out that she's nice, she's hot, and she's basically too good for you. And I certainly ain't goin' out with YOU on my arm on Saturday night, boy! So don't start with me."
by the urban husky November 9, 2011
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Idiotic (and not really insulting) slur against people with red hair, employed in Britain, Canada, and other heavily Anglocentric cultures. Often rhymed with equally nonsensical and stupid words like "minger" and "whinger." Not really used in America (where we have the balls to LIKE redheads), except by a handful of people who think that adopting British-style racism makes them sophistcated and cool.
"Gingers have no so-ouls! Nyaah, nya-"


'Maybe not, but we've got knuckles.'
by the urban husky November 9, 2011
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Hateful slur used against people with Asperger's Syndrome, by those with no life or anything better to do. A pun on the term, Aspie.

Typically coupled with a denial that Asperger's Syndrome exists, this expression is often used to imply that Asperger's constitutes bad behavior, rather than a meaningful disability, and that Aspies are just jerks.
Stop cryin'! You're nothin' but an Ass Pie, and you shut up about your phony prob-"

<teacher grabs hater by scruff of his shirt>

"Principal's office: NOW."
by the urban husky July 26, 2012
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Derisive, North American vulgarims with 2 shades of meaning:

A) Archaic (WWII-era) army slang for someone whose brand of shit was too small-minded and lame to be called bullshit or horseshit. This was typically an obnoxious, petty tyrant of an officer, particularly the kind who liked to push people around with made-up rules and regulations. Best exemplified in popular culture by the character of Frank Burns on M.A.S.H.

B) A coward; basically calling them chicken, with a 4-letter word tacked on for emphasis.

(Please note that these two definitions CAN overlap.)
A) "All through your Army careers, you men have bitched about what you call 'chicken shit drilling'." - George S. Patton, 1944

B) "That's a good answer, Wykowski. It's a chickenshit answer, but it's a good one." - Christopher Walken as Sgt. Merwin J. Toomey, "Biloxi Blues," 1988
by the urban husky May 1, 2011
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An arrogant, inconsiderate, or dangerous driver, particularly the kind who ignores or harasses cyclists & pedestrians (a merging of gas & asshole). Basically someone who has an inflated ego because they have a car and you don't. Not reserved for any one gender

(In extreme cases, may even be hostile & disrespectful to people who don't have their particular kind of motor vehicle: bus drivers, cab drivers, pick-up truck people, etc. In this case, the expression may be modified to "bushole," "truckhole," or "cabhole," as appropriate.)
"I had the walk signal, and THREE of these gasholes cut me off in succession! By the time they were gone, I couldn't cross!"
by the urban husky October 30, 2011
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A dog or pet that will go to almost any length for a snack, reward, or goodie, often to comical effect.
"Look at that dog of yours! She's sniffing out every piece of that cookie you dropped!"

"Yep; she's a treat-seeking missile."
by the urban husky November 27, 2010
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Term used in the cycling community for a really gung-ho athletic rider, the kind with an intense training regimen and a "need for speed." Named for their habit of dropping the hammer, or launching into unnecessary bursts of speed, particularly blowing off weaker riders in recreational group rides. In extreme cases, they've been known to blow off traffic lights and laws just to go fast. Too often matching the stock image of the athletic, lycra-clad scofflaw, they're often blamed for perpetuating a lot of ugly stereotypes about people on bikes.
"I get to the intersection on my bike, and just when I get the light, some hammerhead blows off the intersection right across my bath! He cuts me off, AND all those cars. Then they all start honking at me, even when I signal properly, because they think I'm a jerk, too. I'm just trying to get to work!"
by the urban husky October 30, 2011
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