10 definitions by the fresh prince

people who knock on your door to try and get you to join their religion
jahovah's witnesses are fucking anoying, the only religion i want to join is the do what you fucking want religion
by the fresh prince January 30, 2005
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A Suematsu is a Lytton High thing. Only a very few are lucky and able to replicate his voice
by the fresh prince March 23, 2014
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being ironic is not just being sarcastic, being sarcastic is just making a cutting remark, being ironic is saying the oposite of what is meant, say you had an argumant with a girl and said something bad and she ran out of the room, being sarcastic i would say something like
"that wasnt a good thing to say was it"
but if i was being ironic i would say something like
"well you've certainly made her happy"
i did my examples above so read them
by the fresh prince January 30, 2005
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