4 definitions by the Poopsmith

Insult or put-down; Implies that one puts bananas up one's bum.
Brandon you fucking bananass, stfu and take a fucking seat.
by the Poopsmith April 10, 2003
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One who clings to the buttocks of another; Derogatory term for an unsavory person who is quite fond of the anus.
Those old coots were just a bunch of assmongrels.
He's an assmongrol
by the Poopsmith July 10, 2003
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A phrase used to describe the act of publicly announcing personal and/or private information in an inappropriate setting.
A friend of mine had anal with a fat chick, and then by way of flapping the paper asshole let everyone know about it at the bowling alley. He received a lot of awkward stares.....
by the Poopsmith January 31, 2014
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